My third music video is online! If you want to see how it looked behind the scenes, just scroll down. Don’t forget to like the video, leave a comment and subscribe to my Youtube channel.
It took quite some preparation to light the whole restaurant. Luckily, the weather was consistent for 2 days straight and we had the blue sky as a good ambient light source for the first and second act. To shape the light the way I wanted, I used multiple single point lighting fixtures with the needed modifiers. To raise the ambient light even more, multiple tube light were placed with the help of magnets directly out of sight. In the second and third act, they were then used to give a party vibe and back up the candle light feeling. The camera movement supplemented the feeling that we wanted to achieve. Or to have a fast workflow, as this video was mainly shot on a Sunday, and nobody of the cast was eager to work overtime.
Have fun watching both video.